Welcome to the New Semzo Multimedia Website

Almost every web designer I talk to says the same thing about his portfolio and/or website: “I’m so busy working on other people’s websites that I don’t have time to update my own.”

So I will spare you the excuses, I’m sure you’ve heard them. Make no mistake, the old site needed updating, and I have finally updated it. However, you may notice that only the homepage has any content. That’s right, I was so tired of the old design that I launched the prototype.

Crazy? Not really. It will fill up quick and in a few months will be looking fine. How does this benefit you?

Well, if you want to see how a website grows from concept to design, I’m letting you watch in real time. Come back and check out the changes, updates and blog posts. I will be writing on various things I find interesting, especially geared toward entrepreneurialism.

Or maybe I will be too busy working on your website to work on my own. Contact me now.

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About Paul Phipps

Paul started off in I.T. almost 15 years ago. He rose to the highest level at the last two companies he worked for (once as I.T. Director and another time as Marketing Director). He is serious about helping your company succeed and he knows what's going on in technology and marketing -- right now. Your company deserves modern business solutions. Call Paul now.